Malibu Billionaire Steven Kronick Wins Lifetime Achievement Award

Malibu Billionaire Steven Kronick Wins Lifetime Achievement Award
Photo: Steven Kronick

By: Independent Press

A mega brand that was started on a Malibu mountaintop mansion with the world’s biggest ocean views, built on Malibu Beach, Palm Beach, and the United States Virgin Islands, promoted by the world’s premiere visual advertising agency, Ogilvy & Mather, in partnership with the visual arts monopoly Adobe, the Visual Targeting® empire together with God’s everyday guidance, led the billionaire visionary Steven Kronick to win multiple United States patents with business valuations in the billions for visual style innovations.

Visual Targeting® is the industry standard in visual style trusted by Fortune 500 businesses, bestsellers, and celebrities in 181 nations. The brand is an Adobe Solution Partner that has always enjoyed multiple intellectual property valuations in the billions after the innovation was featured in Forbes. Built while in partnership with the advertising world leader Ogilvy, the proprietary software suite was automated by elite programmers for 11 years to identify the 1 in 11 trillion Visual Style Palette, which is a safe investment for a business that is branding, rebranding or making new products, for a specific target market.

The Visual Targeting® Style Suite software builds Visual Palettes using a patented method that shows up to 174 trillion visual style element combinations with the one most appropriate to use in appealing to the businesses’ target viewership.

“The big thing here is fans, entertainers, celebrities, megabrands, that’s where this works the best. They have so many people that they enjoy huge results when they use the software. They add a button to their website, they tweet their style link, they email their fans, so they have people in the thousands sending them all their visual style preferences within hours,” Steven Kronick shares.

This makes the research safe to use in business marketing from a scientific perspective. Business leaders like Tony Robbins, Unilever, TIGI BedHead, AARP, and General Motors have been happy to learn and use the Visual Targeting® technology and proven methods.

After working with the world’s best intellectual property lawyers trusted by innovation giants like Google and Microsoft, Visual Targeting® has three United States Patents, having enjoyed a one billion dollar patent sales valuation approval from the leading intellectual property patent advisor and auction house. This is a single patent valuation for the first patent on the technology, while additional United States Patents continue to protect what remains a legal monopoly.

“I remember the very first days that I would drive around Times Square when I was dating my NYU girlfriend, all the advertising everywhere, it was so obvious that it was making people feel things, I thought what if we made a way to somehow know that it is all automatically helping viewers live well,” Steven shares. He adds how visual art helps to save lives after a famous Broadway holiday billboard showed his United States History lifetime achievement.

Steven Kronick is the billionaire visionary who started the world famous multinational visual style brand that won him a Worldwide Humanitarian Award and a Lifetime Achievement Award, with a visionary honorable trillionaire title for his worldwide philanthropy, from the 124 year old United States history group promoted by Warren Buffett, which honors Joel Osteen, Hugh Hefner, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Melinda Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, United States President Donald Trump.

Steven Kronick also won 28 #1 Malibu Singer Songwriter titles on the world’s biggest music charts, enjoying his newest Gold & Platinum song, “God Is Love,” promoted by Billboard, Rolling Stone, MTV, VH1, World Star.

“I love my fans. They love these songs. I think that music is the fastest way to connect with people in love. I feel that God is with me on this because he always brings people that love. It is like a miracle that every time I go into singing, all these new happy fans always show up,” says Steven.

Steven Kronick is an ordained christian Saint who stays in meditation almost every day and always thanks God, having spent his twenties in love, touring churches and prayer gardens, asking God to show him the best way to build his monopoly business brand and lifestyle vision.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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