Tim Gillen

Full name: Timothy J Gillen JR

Birthday: April 21, 1989

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Nationality: American (Irish and Italian)

Hometown: Toms River, New Jersey

Height: 5’11

Weight: 225

Relatives: Deborah Gillen (mother), Timothy J Gillen (father), Christopher Gillen (brother), Gabrielle Gillen (sister)

Country of Citizenship: United States of America

Career or Occupation: Owner and CEO of Alcoholic Beverage Company Jerzey Jungle LLC

Languages spoken: English


Moravian College BA

Recognition / Best known for

Throwing the best parties in the game and making the best Jungle Juice

Early life details

Born in Toms River, New Jersey, Tim was always different and marched to the beat of his own drum. Always getting into trouble and having fun, his early years were nothing but exciting. He always had a passion for music, movies, tattoos, working out, mixed martial arts, and a variety of sports. Super close with both his siblings Chris and Gabrielle. He still rolls with the same exact group of friends he formed in his early childhood and has just kept expanding that group as he got older. “I have known these guys for 25+ years, they are pretty much my brothers.” His early childhood dream was to always open his own nightclub with his best friend Patrick Henderson. He owes everything to his parents for raising him the right way, teaching him how to be a good person, a great businessman and always supporting his wild and crazy dreams.

Personal life

When not in the spotlight of his business and being the life of the party, Tim lives a pretty fun but relaxing life. You can find him out to eat and drink, always supporting local establishments. He enjoys spending time with family, friends, and his beautiful girlfriend Jen. Yes, ladies, he’s taken. Tim loves trips to AC, Vegas, and any kind of tropical vacation spot. Netflix and pizza are two of his favorite things when not at the bars and clubs for work.


Tim Gillen (Born April 21, 1989), popularly known as DJ TIM SHADY, is currently the owner of the successful New Jersey Alcoholic Beverage Company Jerzey Jungle LLC. His company specializes in making delicious alcoholic Jungle Juice called “Jerzey Jungle Juice.” They are in 75+ locations throughout the garden state and rapidly expanding, eventually looking to take the brand to a national level. A Business Management & Sociology Major, Gillen’s last 10+ years have been a variety of nightlife, management, and sales jobs which gave him the portfolio and experience to create and run his own alcohol empire. “Everything happens for a reason,” Gillen said, “and this is what I was destined to do.” For more information follow him on Instagram @djtimshady @jerzeyjungle and check out his website www.jerzeyjungle.com.