Kisma Panthier-Jn Pierre Set to Open Academy That Will Help Children Thrive

Born in Dominica, Kisma Panthier-Jn Pierre now resides in Antigua, in the Caribbean. She did not have an easy childhood, but she turned to education, knowing that it would help her change her circumstances. Because she has achieved so much in her life due to her dedication to education and learning, she is working to provide those opportunities for growth to other students.

Working as an educator in the public sector for the past 15 years, she brought back appreciation for the French language on the island. Mrs. Panthier-Jn Pierre played a significant role in revamping how French was taught in schools. She also served as vice president and then treasurer of the French Teachers Association of Antigua and Barbuda. 

Aside from her work as an educator, she is also a published author, motivational speaker, and coach. And even in these other roles, Kisma Panthier-Jn Pierre continues to inspire and encourage young people to believe in themselves and tap into their highest potential. In her speeches and speaking engagements, she challenges her audience to dream big and believe that those big dreams will come true.

Kisma Panthier-Jn Pierre is also the founder of MJP Academy. With the situational changes brought about by COVID-19, it became clear to her how fragile education systems can be. And the failure of a school system to respond and adapt to this sudden change has had a negative impact on many children’s learning journeys. Despite educators’ best efforts, students still suffer significantly from this change. 

At MJP Academy, Kisma Panthier-Jn Pierre aims to provide a secure and nurturing environment where young students can explore and learn. She shared, “This academy’s mission will be to provide a learning environment which focuses on stimulating and nurturing our children’s minds so they can think for themselves and believe that they can do anything they set their minds to.” Learning new things will change a child’s perception of the world, which is why this educator is fighting for a nurturing environment for her students. 

Kisma Panthier-Jn Pierre and her team have raised $1, 000,000 of the funds needed to complete MJP Academy by 2023. However, they still need to raise an additional $500, 000  to help fuel the education of bright young minds from a modest background. Without the receipt of this $500 000 the start of this project won’t be possible. “This academy was part of my dream as a child,” Kisma explained, “I want to serve the young people and pave the way for change in our community.”

Students at MJP Academy will be taught additional classes such as Life Skills, Coding, The Planet and Me, and Goal Setting alongside French, Spanish and Mandarin. These additional courses will go hand in hand with a regular curriculum to give students a well-rounded education that will help them feel they are part of a larger society. 

Emphasis on collaborating in teams rather than competing for the top spot will be another feature of the educational environment MJP Academy aspires to be. Kisma Panthier-Jn Pierre said, “I want to teach students, whether they are impoverished or more well off, the value of education and hard work. I hope that by opening this academy, they can explore the infinite possibilities available to them.”