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Cemo Basen on Overcoming Poverty to Become a Highly-revered Influencer

Image commercially licensed from: Unsplash

Poverty is many people’s reality in the world today. Yet, while the future seems bleak for these people, some have defied the odds and proven that one’s background does not have to be the primary determinant in how one turns out. Cemo Basen, born Muhammad Qasim in the slums of Pakistan, is one of the people who have turned their lives around dramatically and are inspiring others to do the same.

Cemo Basen grew up in a difficult environment where he was not assured two meals daily. He only lived with the thought that someday, things would change for the better. Those thoughts kept him going until he moved to the United States to pursue an acting career. Cemo Basen’s worldview changed when he met famous film star Johnny Depp in person. He was intrigued and vowed to become just as famous by any means possible. Thus, he began making videos on Instagram and gaining followers.

For Cemo Basen, becoming an influencer was not something he planned. He had big dreams of getting into Hollywood but never saw himself going the influencer route. Over the last two years since he posted his first video, he has amassed over two million followers on Instagram, but he still feels like there’s a long journey ahead to complete. “I am happy with where I am today but my dream to get into Hollywood is still very much alive,” he said.

Cemo Basen has built his brand based on uplifting people’s spirits, inspiring them and encouraging them to do whatever they love to do in life. “I was once in their shoes, and I remember how some of my family members made fun of me when I told them I wanted to become an actor. However, I turned all the negativity around and worked hard toward my dreams. So, here I am today, working as an influencer, making content and working with notable brands like Miguel Wilson and personalities.”

The 33-year-old has a notable presence in the media and has tried contributing to the television content world. He created the series, Raising an Influencer, which streamed on Fox 5 DC, and participated in the Mr. DC 2021 contest. Cemo Basen firmly believes that the journey to the top requires a lot of steps that are impossible to skip. From his perspective, he’s still going through those steps as he believes there is more in store for him in the entertainment world beyond just social media influencing.

Over the next few years, he hopes to become an influential media voice and successful actor with enough pull to inspire people. He’s putting in all the work to build his brand to a reputable level while hoping that people passionately chasing their dreams watch his journey and be inspired. “I am proof that not giving up works. You never know what won’t work for you unless you have tried. That’s why I encourage everyone to keep doing and trying. One day all the hard work will pay off, and the right people will notice. So keep striving, and we’ll all meet at the top,” Basen said.

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