Mike Berro


Birthday: 03/19/1996

Nationality: Lebanese

Hometown: Detroit

Height: 6’2″

Citizenship: American

Occupation: Founder, CEO

Place of birth: Dearborn

Languages spoken: English, Arabic, French, Spanish


Qonkur Media Group


Agency of the Year 2020

Recognition / Best known for

Cannabis Marketing


Founder of CEO


He enjoys traveling with his girlfriend.

Company website



Since opening in April 2018, the team at Qonkur has worked to develop a portfolio of more than $30 million, ad spend of more than $100 million, and has reached more than 15 billion individuals. Berro, known as the King of Cannabis Marketing, has carved a successful niche in the cannabis space, serving medical and recreational provisioning centers and other related businesses. Qonkur is one of the fastest-growing companies in Michigan and is the leader in cannabis marketing and advertising.

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